There are many health benefits to cutting sugar from your diet, including weight loss and diabetes management, so cutting sugar down can be a good thing to do. Many don't realize that sucrose and high fructose corn syrup is also a sugar. As you cut this out, you may experience sugar withdrawal symptoms.
They can include headaches and cravings for sugar. It is very similar to what people experience when cutting caffeine down. They can be severe or light, and there are many varying degrees of discomfort from person to person.
\"Wheat Free\"
Some people experience depression when they cut it out as well as fatigue. Since sugar gives a boost to your emotions, this is fairly common, and the severity may be related to the amount you usually consume. Anxiety may also be present, since the denial of sugar can cause one to be anxious as well as the other symptoms.
In severe cases, some experience flu like symptoms, and can feel very ill. Even others can have shakiness about them, which can compound other previously mentioned symptoms.
If you are cutting out sugar from your diet and feel any of these symptoms and they feel like they are becoming beyond your control, then consult a doctor. If you plan on doing it, then speaking to a health care professional can help you manage the effects and help you feel more comfortable about the experience.
The health benefits to cutting down sugar in your diet can be phenomenal. You will look and feel better and weight loss can become easier. The sugar withdrawal symptoms will go away in two to four weeks normally, and you will never miss it once you conquer the sugar addiction. If you have diabetes, then eliminating sugar, of all types, is imperative to your continued health and well being.
Different Signs of Sugar Withdrawal Symptoms
Sugar addicts unite! The time has come for overcoming sugar addiction and exposing the sneaky sugar supplier's seductive tactics.